30 years of consulting and recognized expertise

About Us

Studio Fiorese is a study of labor consultants coordinated by dott.ssa Fiorese Nicoletta, consultant for the work of Vicenza.

Our professionals have extensive and polyvalent training, are available and very enthusiastic.

The study mainly deals with advice on the administration of human resources of small and medium-sized enterprises, with the employment of permanent and highly qualified employees.

We provide our customers with a wide range of services including contract consulting, staff budgeting, management of union negotiations and management and sending of practices to social security and welfare institutions.

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Our Services

The Firm mainly deals with personnel administration for small and medium-sized companies. We support the company in all related practices related to the management of employees and similar as for example:

  • Appropriate assessment of the candidate for recruitment
  • Type of employment contract applicable
  • Ordinary and deferred retribution, social and social contributions
  • Evaluation of possible future litigation according to the choices made
  • Preparation of internal company regulations
  • Disciplinary measures
  • Management of trade union negotiations

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