30 years of consulting and recognized expertise

Our Services

Our Services

The Firm mainly deals with personnel administration for small and medium-sized companies. We support the company in all related practices related to the management of employees and similar as for example:

  • Appropriate assessment of the candidate for recruitment

    We support our client to evaluate the candidate to be taken so as to have a 360 ° view on the needs and then offer appropriate advice to every need.
  • Type of employment contract applicable

    We evaluate according to the chosen person all the variables possible in order to facilitate the customer and granting access to different types of facilitations.
  • Ordinary and deferred retribution, social and social contributions

    For each hiring we prepare a cost budget that the company goes to bear considering all the costs also deferred so as not to have surprises later but have a long-term vision.
  • Evaluation of possible future litigation according to the choices made

    We put the client in front of every possible risk that runs in the assumption of the person.
  • Preparation of internal company regulations

    In collaboration with customers so as to have a correct view of life within the company.
  • Disciplinary measures

    We prepare and send disciplinary measures in case of incorrect behavior of workers.
  • Management of trade union negotiations

    We deal directly with the management of union negotiations in the event of redundancies or disputes with workers providing adequate support even during the out-of-court dispute management phase.

We also guarantee our customers:

  • To ensure the timely and correct processing and payment of the amounts due to the company personnel, in compliance with the rules of the contract and relevant laws, through the correct application of the processes, ensuring the functional connection with the administrative staff management service
  • The fulfillment of social security, tax (contributory payments, withholding taxes and control of the exact compilation of the relevant forms)
  • Of the holding of the obligatory books
  • The drafting of the staff budget, preparing at the same time the necessary tools for an effective and correct control of the personnel costs of the company
  • The proper conduct of the practices with the social security and welfare institutions both as regards the obligations required, and for reasons specifically related to the activity of personnel administration (eg, practical illness, maternity, accidents ...)
  • To make detailed statistics on the different aspects of the employment relationship (absenteeism, turnover, productivity, mobility, spare parts, organic ...)

Thanks to the continuous training and the numerous databases we rely on The Studio monitors the constant evolution of collective bargaining, also providing the client with detailed and timely information on updates on work, both of a regulatory nature, of practice and of the most relevant jurisprudence, for an opportune information aimed at reinforcing the evaluation and the strategic-business choices.

We help companies in the management of the business crisis and we are able to provide adequate responses to customers in the event of an ill-fated unfavorable economic context, identifying, in relation to changing scenarios, the most suitable tools to contain labor costs, through the analysis and comparison of the most suitable solutions for the purpose envisaged by the Italian law on social safety nets.

To this end, without prejudice to extreme solutions, the most pertinent solutions are taken into consideration, with particular attention, to ensure the relaunch of production activities in the logic of maintaining maximum business dynamism.

In this context, the sphere of application and the cost-benefit ratio deriving from the use of the different management solutions (wage integration measures, collective redundancies, transfer of the business unit, etc.) are examined in depth.

In addition, to ensure 100% assistance to our customers we are associated with a CAAF, thus having the possibility to send social security and welfare agencies such as maternity, unemployment, authorization for family allowances, statements of contributions etc.

Finally, we provide each customer with a document storage platform where every customer and every worker can access through their own credentials and always and everywhere consult all their documents related to the employment relationship (pay slips, CU, etc.).

In this way, as well as having a considerable saving in paper and limiting to a minimum the request for duplication by workers, the company is covered according to the new European regulation on the processing of personal data (GDPR) as each worker will be in possession of of their secret credentials and can only consult their documents.